Thursday 12 April 2007

London Zine Symposium 2007

Along with the expiration of my National Express Student Travelcard I am pleased to announce the 2007 London Zine Symposium on Saturday April 21st: 12pm til 5:30 pm. Following the 2006 Symposium it will be held, once again, in the heart of literary Bloomsbury, at The Horse Hospital, Colonnade, Bloomsbury, London, WC1N 1HX (behind Russell Square tube station) Map.

Despite being unable to find an autonomous social centre (read: ‘squat’) for this year’s symposium, you will be pleased to hear that entry is still FREE (though not nearly as pleased as I was to hear that a.) We won’t have to clean up any stale beer from a previous night’s benefit; b.) We won’t have to go ‘skipping’ for tables: we’ve hired them instead; and c.) The likelihood of any radiators falling off walls is minimal).

Brass Buttons Distro
Fist In The Air Distro
Ripping Thrash
Sticks & Stones distro
Nail Bunny
Paper Tiger Comics
Armchair Comics
Active Distribution
Gasp Distro & Last Hours Zine
56a Infoshop
Morgenmuffel Zine & The Cowley Club Bookshop
The ‘Individual Zine’ Table: Come sell your wares!

Alongside all the zine/comic distros/stalls there will also be a fine selection of vegan cakes and fare to keep your blood-sugar-levels in check; a zine quiz; a scavenger hunt and game of ‘capture the flag’ (to help top-up our Vitamin D no doubt?); and a host of talks and discussion groups attuned to all walks of zine-making/DIY life. Fingers crossed none of them will degenerate into the staid ‘MySpace’ discussion we had last year; though I recently read in Constance Hale’s ‘Wired Style: Principles of English Usage in the Digital Age’ that whilst ‘eBook’ is a perfectly acceptable parlance for digitised books, we must refer to an electronic zine as an ‘e-zine’, as “this shorthand for an electronic fanzine is not yet recognizable enough to style it without a hyphen.” If anyone fancies this alternative topic of discussion, I’m usually found by the cakes.

See you there!? xC

1 comment:

Miss Chris said...

I haven't been paying attention to my blog for a few days... I hate finals. Not really because I am snowed under, but because I can't find the motivation. By the way, Fenwick and Phillipson do not teach me, but I am taught by Ian Cram, who is pretty special. He writes lots of articles on media law, freedom of information and such like. No zine symposium for me because of aforementioned finals and rail works on the Leeds to London line. Was it good?